Did you ever sit down as a kid, look at something and wonder why the world works the way it does? For instance, why does a string burn faster when it’s bare than when it’s in a candle? Or how do we know chanterelles are safe to eat, but death’s cap mushrooms are not?

Simply put, it’s because of knowledge and learned behavior. Over time, humans have passed knowledge on from one generation to another, because it has helped us to survive to the modern age. Whether it’s using technology to improve our use of the natural world around us, or to better harness the resources we do find in nature, it is easy to see humans have made a mark on this world beyond what any other animal on this planet has been able to achieve.
That is why it is hard to argue the hypothesis that humans have succeeded because of our ability to build upon the knowledge of our forebears.
Why Americans are Not Living Longer, Healthier Lives
However, with all this knowledge, one would think humans are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. But if you take a look at the lifespan of the average adult in the US, we are dying sooner than most other developed nations, especially when you factor in what happened in 2020 and 2021. To think this is only because of what has happened over the last two years would be a mistake. It has also been well reported before 2020 that the average person living in the US has been dying earlier than their peers who prioritize health and wellness.
So, why is this the case?

Look no further than how humans have evolved to where we are today. Much like most animals, the first humans were a nomadic people, moving from one place to another when resources became scarce. Much like most animals, humans would eat what they find as soon as they find it. Before refrigerators existed, it was impossible to make most foods last more than a few days.
How quickly foods expire is actually why humans crave salty, sugary and fatty foods. Because of our nomadic roots, we quickly learned that salty foods are necessary for life, sugary foods are a signal that the food may not be toxic and fatty foods give us much needed energy for when times are lean and resources are scarce. We crave certain foods because of how successful we have been in sourcing those types of foods during lean times.
Understanding Where Modern Life May Not be Better
However, these paleolithic roots are not useful for life today. While technology and knowledge have helped many more people gain access to food and shelter, our natural urges to eat salty, sugary and fatty foods persist to today and these evolutionary evolved traits are slowly killing us. We are eating more of these previously scarce resources than our bodies actually need and we end up indulging in foods that delight these innate senses. Via social media, we have even gone so far as to reward people who are slowly eating themselves to death as some macabre form of entertainment.

Understanding this trait is key to managing your health today, and understanding what nutrients your body truly needs. While “Paleo Diets” are popular because of how simple they are to follow and because of the emphasis on pre-processed era foods, every person is different and their nutritional needs are different. Many place too much emphasis on eating meat and fats which can be damaging to your heart and cholesterol levels. Additionally, most paleo diets are low in calcium and vitamin D, which are critical to good health. Our doctors believe the Mediterranean Diet is a better compromise, allowing you to have access to some processed grains, but still eliminating many of the inflammatory foods that many modern lifestyles unwittingly promote. If however, you would like to promote an anti-inflammatory lifestyle via your food, going one step further with our Restore, Reset, and Recharge plan is a good way to support your immunity, naturally.
Live Smart, Eat Well
Please also keep in mind that it is still best to consult with a doctor to ensure you understand what your body is deficient in, but hopefully these tips will get you started on living a healthier, longer life.